All research, education, community building and collaboration activities will take place at the Alliance Artificial Intelligence Hub (AI-Hub). Here you find an overview of our current projects.
In order to strengthen the implementation of trustworthy and explainable AI as enabling technology for preventive health and circular society, we will facilitate partnerships with the two respective institutes of EWUU – the Institute for Preventive Health and the Institute for Circular Society – to make sure that AI is applied in these domains in alignment with their research goals.
The core research theme is AI as enabling technology that revolutionizes the way we do science: Scientific discovery through trustworthy AI. The other main themes are the two societal impact domains (smart health and prevention) that connect with Preventive Health and Circular Society.
Our current projects:
Scientific Discovery through trustworthy AI:
- AI aided knowledge discovery
Team: Rens van de Schoot (UU), Daniel Oberski (UMCU), Ricardo Torres (WUR), Virag Sihag, Chris Knighting (TU/e) - Ethical, Legal and Societal aspects of AI: ELSA lab proposal
Team: Karin Jongsma (UMCU), Leendert van Maanen, Nadya Purtova (UU), Martijn Willemsen, Panos Markopoulos (TU/e), Annemarie Wagemakers (WUR), Patiëntenfederatie - Algorithms for explainable AI
Team: Maarten van Smeden (UMCU), Anna Vilanova Bartoli (TU/e), Alex Carriero (UMCU)
Smart health and prevention:
- Remote Patient Monitoring & Wearables
Team: Pieter van Gorp (TU/e), Teus Kappen (UMCU), Martine Breteler (UMCU), Erik Koomen (UMCU), Baris Ozkan (TU/e), Maryam Razavian (TU/e) - Personalization of medicine by machine learning for image interpretation
Team: Alessandro Sbrizzi (UMCU), Nico van den Berg (UMCU), Mitko Veta (TUe), Josien Pluim (TU/e) - Deep learning on multimodal inputs (video, sensors) with use case: individual feeding behaviour from consumption data
Team: Ricardo Torres (WUR), Guido Camps (WUR), Albert Salah (UU)
Collaboration between all alliance partners is pursued in four aspects within the core research line, which can be seen as basic research on AI building blocks which form the preconditions for implementing AI in the societal impact domains. The four building blocks are:
- Data quality and accessibility
- Trustworthy and explainable AI
- Ethical, legal and societal aspects of AI
- empowering scientific discovery through AI
Objectives of the AI hub
- Perform research to foster scientific discovery through trustworthy AI.
- Establish insights where AI can support and contribute to breakthrough developments within the alliance.
- Connect the projects in the hub with the existing AI Labs of the alliance partners.
- Collaborate with Preventive Health and Circular Society to (co-)fund projects in the two societal impact domains.
- Scout national (and if possible, international) funding opportunities and involve researchers in consortium building events; capitalize on the emerging research collaborations within the alliance.