Researchers from the Alliance Artificial Intelligence Hub (AI-Hub) came together on 29 February in Utrecht to discuss their latest developments in their projects initiated within the AI-Hub and to explore external funding opportunities. The meeting provided space for new connections among the hub researchers and strengthened ties already established.
“We witnessed some exciting advancements in AI-research resulting from our collaboration,” says Anne de Hond, a researcher involved in the Explainable AI project group. “I really appreciate connecting with all the talented researchers, hearing their different viewpoints on ongoing projects, and feeling inspired by our face-to-face interactions.”
“This was my first time at the AI Hub meeting,” says Ning Fan, Liaison Officer at WUR, who started her role in February this year. “It was fascinating to see so many passionate researchers from different institutes working closely together and inspiring each other.”
Martijn Willemsen, TU/e member of the new VAMAI Elsa lab, found the meeting inspiring. “It was great to meet (new) people from UU, UMC, and WU and hear about their inspiring vision for developing AI for healthcare. During the breaks, I had several good discussions on how explainable AI should develop in our field, discussions which I do not often have at TU/e. The EWUU alliance offers great value in bringing interested researchers from different domains together in this way!”