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To facilitate and financially support crossdisciplinary collaborations between our four institutions that are geared towards large initiatives in the field of AI for Health, a call for projects has been initiated. The call is intended for activities that can support preparing a larger grant application related to AI for Health in the near future. The grant can also be used for conducting preliminary research to be able to successfully apply for such a grant and for projects aimed at societal added value. For more details, see the Terms of Conditions. All forms can be found below.


The purpose of this second call for proposals is to facilitate and financially support cross disciplinary collaborations between our four institutions that are geared towards large initiatives, applied or methodological, in the field of AI for Health as defined in the following three topic areas:

  1. Methods and building blocks for trustworthy AI. Data Science and AI are key enablers for scientific discovery and revolutionize the way we do science and practice health and healthcare. However, an intrinsic challenge of working with AI methods is misuse, concerns with validity, accuracy, transportability and thus implementation, and other unwanted effects such as difficulties with explainability and transparency. The AI for Health working group encourages applications on fundamental or methodological research leading to improved trustworthiness, validation, transportability and transparency of AI innovations in the health and healthcare ecosystem.
  2. Smart Healthcare and Prevention. The entire healthcare continuum, from cure to care to distant monitoring to self-care to prevention, is an important application area for the AI for Health working group. We encourage projects on AI innovations that contribute to the transition from invasive to minimally invasive and more personalized care and from reactive to proactive care, including distant and self-care, to primary prevention.
  3. AI-driven healthy and sustainable ecosystem. Health is broader than healthcare. Therefore, the AI for Health working group stimulates research projects that strive to apply AI innovations to create a more sustainable, circular, and healthier ecosystem (human, animal, plant, environment).


The application amounts to a maximum of 50K.


Deadline for application is 10 July 2022, 6 PM.


For questions about this call, please contact: